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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Maju Terus Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate

Jiwa patriotisme yang tinggi ditunjukkan oleh Ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo, salah seorang Saudara Tertua Setia Hati, dengan bantuan teman-temannya dari Pilang Bango, Madiun dengan berani menghadang kereta api yang lewat membawa tentara Belanda atau mengangkut perbekalan militer. Penghadangan, pelemparan, dan perusakkan yang terjadi berulang-ulang sampai akhirnya ia ditangkap PID Belanda dan mendapat hukuman kurungan di penjara Cipinang dan dipindahkan ke Padang, Sumatera Barat. Setelah dibebaskan, Ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo yang telah mendirikan Setia Hati Pencak Sport Club yang kemudian mengaktifkan kembali perguruannya sampai akhirnya berkembang dengan nama Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate.Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate dalam perkembangannya dibesarkan oleh RM Imam Koesoepangat murid dari Mohammad Irsyad kadhang (saudara) Setia Hati Pencak Sport Club (SH PSC) yang merupakan murid dari Ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo.Sebelum menjadi kadhang SH dan mendirikan SH PSC, Ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo magang sebagai guru di SD Banteng Madiun. Tidak betah menjadi guru, bekerja di Leerling Reambate di SS (PJKA) Bondowoso, Panarukan dan Tapen. Tahun 1906 keluar dari PJKA dan bekerja menjadi Mantri Pasar Spoor Madiun di Mlilir dengan jabatan terakhir sebagai Ajudan Opsioner Pasar Mlilir, Dolopo, Uberan dan Pagotan (wilayah selatan Madiun). Pada tahun 1916 bekerja di pabrik gula Redjo Agung Madiun. Tahun 1917 masuk menjadi saudara SH dan dikecer langsung oleh Ki Ngabei Soerodiwirjo, pendiri Persaudaran Setia Hati. Pada tahun ini bekerja di stasiun kereta api Madiun hingga menjabat Hoof Komisaris. Tahun 1922 bergabung dengan Sarekat Islam dan mendirikan Setia Hati Pencak Sport Club di Desa Pilangbango, Madiun, yang kemudian berkembang sampai ke daerah Nganjuk, Kertosono, Jombang, Ngantang, Lamongan, Solo, dan Yogyakarta.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Ten martial arts universities members of IPSI are:
  1. Tread Holy
  2. KPS Nusantara,
  3. Kelatnas Shield Self,
  4. Phasadja Mataram
  5. Perpi Harimurti,
  6. White Shield,
  7. Son Betawi,
  8. Brotherhood Faithful Heart,
  9. Terate Brotherhood Faithful Heart (PSHT) and
  10. Association of All Indonesian Pencak (PPSI).
At the time Mr leadership. H. Eddie M. Nalapraya name of the group 10 (ten) members of IPSI Silat Education Centre was transformed into 10 (ten) Universities Historically, after the term had previously referred to as the Top Organization, or later become the Parent Education Special Education members because membership in the Central IPSI become a special member. In every General Assembly, the College Historical IPSI is always a participant and have a vote in the General Ass.

SH Winongo


He choose the right for the site of the building, right between winongo river and code river a swamp area that dried up then the sultan s palace stretches from the. Persaudaraansetiahatiwinongomadiun cuma ngomong di interne saja kalau laki-laki yang jantan dong emangnya kera sakti atau sh winongo, tidak berani melwanmu sombong banget lou. Feast journey it was built in 1775 by pangeran mangkubumi, whose the son, the prince, was then called sri sultan hamengku buwono i this palace site is lay exactly between winongo river. Winongo video sh terate persaudaraan setia hati terate setia hati teratai pernafasan beladiri pencak silat jurus kunci sh winongo. Budi adji - email, address, phone numbers, everything he choose the right place for the site of the building, right between winongo river and code rivera swamp area that dried up then the sultan's palace stretches from.

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Pencak Silat Setia Hati Terate

Pencak Silat

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Pencak silat pertempuran (combat silat) - read about perguruan  in the years before his death, pendekar herman suwanda worked to establish three separate branches that would perform different functions in spreading the art of. Pencak silat training welcome to a facebook page about pencak silat join facebook to start connecting with pencak silat. About silat pencak silat styles silat techniques this article describes about about silat,pencak silat styles, silat techniques and more about silat. Pencak silat - bongkots jimdo page the formal system of indonesia s fighting art is called pencak silat the people of the malay ethnicity group has been training in this fighting system as early as. Pencak silat - video pencak silat cimande: martial-arts of indonesia traditional pencak silat cimande girang walisongo introduction with over 1 800 different styles of pencak silat.

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1922 Terate


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Monday, February 21, 2011

New Residents salvation prayer Setia Hati Terate

Bismillahir rohmanir rohim.Ya tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang Perkenankanlah hambamu bersujud dan berserah diri untuk memohon ampunan serta limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Mu

Oh God the Most Forgiving

Forgive us our sins, the sins of our parents, the sins of the hero martyr of the nation kami.Ampunilah sin Swordsman and Founder Mr. Faithful Heart Terate, and also forgive leaders and predecessors Faithful Heart Terate which Thou hast thy calling to the presence of

May the ghost of his thank you and have a place in the eternal nature, good and happy haven for your permission

Oh God the Most Wise

We Heart Terate Faithful leaders are people who are weak. Only because of grace and perkenanMu we can do is good, true and wholesome in this life. Faithful Heart Lead Terate wherever it may be always running in the right way, healthy wal afiat, cheap fortune, guyup harmony, mutual compassion love, always at ease and at peace in her life.

Oh God the Almighty

Tonight we endorse citizens Terate new Faithful Heart Make them as warriors, warriors of sejati.Hapuskan Faithful Heart Terate properties that bad, replace them with a good nature utilitarian and useful in this life.

Oh God the Most Compassionate and Merciful

Kabulkanlah all our prayers and give us the opportunity to participate memayu To be able to do hayuning Bawono. Allow Our Lord slogan: DURING THE SUN STILL shine, TO THE EARTH STILL BY HUMAN DIGUNI, for as long as ETERNAL STAY FAITHFUL HEART Terate, JAYA, ABADI forever. AMIN-AMIN YAA ROBBAL'ALAMIN


I am Chairman of the SH Terate Madison Center, intestate:


That the real essence of life is developing according to their respective natures rhythm to perfection. Thus any human life as creatures of God Almighty, was heading back to the Causa-keabdian Prima, the starting point of everything that exists, through a level to level, but not all beings realize that chased it has been stored in the subconscious slip his soul.

Undertaking the first Alenia Terate priambol SH, I will saying to Big Family SH Terate to keep fighting clean hearts, so Allah, the Almighty God give you light, rays of reciprocity, as stock berdharma Faithful to the teachings of human hearts in order to form a virtuous noble know right from wrong, faithful and pious to God Almighty.


The Faithful Heart conscious and mangakui essential and will be invited as well as its citizens uncover the veil / curtain veil of conscience where the Pearl Life reigns.

Recognizing the essential meaning of this life, so I oblige to the Family Faithful Heart Terate to embrace religion and is to carry religion that he believes the Shari'a. Because, curtain / drapes veil of conscience where the Pearl Life throne, will not be revealed without ridlo God, God Almighty. Rest assured, only God, the Almighty God who is aware of, who that the Pearls of Life reigns.


That indeed is the spirit of fraternal organizations Terate SH. I therefore intestate, purify the spirit of this organization of personal and group interests. Do not try to bring SH Terate everywhere. But SH Terate must exist everywhere. Avoid lust adigang adigung Adiguna. Preserve the dignity of humanity and brotherhood with the dharma

every time dared come forward to memayu hayuning bawana.

That martial arts is a noble martial arts. Adiluhung cultural heritage, arts core sports that contain elements of self-defense to defend the truth, honor, kedamian and tranquility. I therefore intestate, use the science of martial arts to strengthen belief in yourself and knowing self.

I am forbidden to big families Faithful Heart Terate utilize martial arts for the sinner, defend and fight for no reason kemungkaran principle already alluded dignity of humanity.