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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Description Of Physical Education

Current Conditions

One of the main problems in physical education in Indonesia, until today, is not yet effective teaching of physical education in schools. The condition of the quality of teaching physical education in elementary school concerned, secondary school and even college has been presented and reviewed in various forums by some observers of physical education and sport (Cholik Mutohir, 1990a: 1990b, 1993: Mujiharsono, 1993; Soediyarto, 1992, 1993 .) This condition is caused by several factors, among them is the limited ability of physical education teachers and the limited resources used to support the process of teaching physical education (cf. Cholik Mutohir, 1990a, 1990b, 1993: Soediyarto, 1992, 1993).
The quality of the existing physical education teacher at the elementary and secondary schools are generally inadequate. They are less capable in carrying out their profession competently. They have not succeeded in carrying out its responsibility to educate students systematically through physical education. Looks physical education has not succeeded in developing capacity and skills of children overall physical well. Mental or intellectual (Office Affairs, 1983). This is true given that most physical education teachers in primary schools is not a special teacher who normally have limited competence and experience in the field of physical education. They are mostly classroom teachers who must be able to teach various subjects, one of which is physical education.
Teaching style made by teachers in physical education practices tend traditional. Model the methods of practice focused on the teacher (Teacher Centered) where students perform physical exercises under the command specified by the teacher. The exercises are almost never done by the children in accordance with their own initiative (Student Centered).
Traditional physical education teachers tend to emphasize on the acquisition of sports skills. The approach taken as well as sports training approach. In this approach, teachers set specific tasks ajarnya to students through physical activity is like practicing a sport. Such conditions do not result in optimal function of teaching physical education as a medium of education in the context of personal development of children completely.

Efforts to improve quality of Physical Education
In recent years, various efforts have been made by the Indonesian government to create new policies to enhance the implementation of physical education. New Curriculum (1994) which includes physical education for elementary and secondary schools have been made and decided. Similarly, a new curriculum for the Diploma II program, where elementary school teachers in which there are courses in Physical Education and Health have been prepared as enhancements to the old curriculum. Efforts to reform the curriculum, should be followed by efforts to improve teachers' skills in teaching and learning in accordance with the demands of the curriculum and the provision of supporting facilities.

Unfortunately, until today's efforts by teachers of physical education and provide facilities that support physical education programs have not performed at its optimum. If conditions continue like this happens, it can be expected that the curriculum innovations that do not can be realized effectively. Curriculum as one of the educational component will not be meaningful, the paper of teachers or lecturers who implement the curriculum in conditions that are less favorable, both in teaching skills and facilities that support them. They finally implement the physical education teaching duties tend to be routine and traditional. As a result, often innovative efforts that have been waged, experiencing a variety of innovative efforts that have been waged, experiencing many obstacles and barriers. Therefore, if the implementation of physical education curriculum should be accomplished and successful, then there must be a greater desire to improve the ability of teachers and increase the facilities accordingly.

The effectiveness of the implementation of teaching physical education in schools in recent years has become a national issue of interest. Such issues are often discussed seriously in discussion forums or seminars of national level by various groups including experts and practitioners of physical education. Various suggestions and recommendations are often presented in an effort to improve the implementation of physical education in schools including curriculum improvement, teacher capacity building, provision of field and facilities.

Indeed efforts to improve the quality of implementation of physical education has received attention as stated in the mandate of the Guidelines 1983 as follows:

Physical education and sport need to be improved and in society as a way of building physical and spiritual health of every member of society. Next should be increased infrastructure capacity and physical education and sports facilities, including educators, trainers and driving, and encouraged the movement to promote sport and community mengolahragakan (Source, Yayasan Pelita, 1983:104).

In 1983, President Suharto was also mandated that physical education in schools from kindergarten to university need to be more intensified and developed.

Wisdom has been clear and the direction of development of physical education have actually been clear. Now that the main problems is how far the level of success of development strategies and implementation of physical education and sport in society, especially in physical education at every level of school. Further question, whether the things that need to be considered to support the creation of effective teaching of physical education?

Effective teaching of physical education in reality is more than just develop sports skills. Teaching is in essence a systematic process aimed at personal development of children completely.

History of physical education and sport in Indonesia showed, that the political aspect of the sport in general is still dominant. Even today, sports achievements still viewed as a "tool" to demonstrate and simultaneously considering the dignity of the nation, especially in international forums. As a result, enormous attention to the achievement of performance into the physical education curriculum. The contents of physical education curriculum for example, although there is a choice, leads to mastery of the sport.

Although the curriculum was designed by taking into faktorsosio-anthropologists, socio-cultural and geographical, but the influence of interested groups and observers, mainly from among the politicians can not be avoided. This is reflected, for example in the "movement of 4-5" 4-5 ie, sports (athletics, gymnastics, pencaksilat, and games) that are promoted under the umbrella of sports coaching early age.

With regard to the above, seems to have occurred early childhood misconceptions sports coaching in Indonesia. Misconception is not only related to the purpose but also their implementation. Sports coaching early age is understood as a phase of coaching to get to know and master a sport with an emphasis on mastery of specific skills, as a specialization within the framework of scholastic achievement.
As a result of too laud achievements, coaching sports among young children abused, and even in practice often at odds with the norms of education. Children should grow naturally, often obtain treatment outside the limits. Often children are forced have to practice with the excessive load. Often children are forced have to practice with the excessive load. The case of drug use in early childhood and the theft of age in the age group championship arena in the arena championship age group is a negative experience for the growth and development of the child's personality.

Ideally, in accordance with the philosophy of life (philosophy) and the concept that we have adopted physical education, sports coaching early age it is aimed at the introduction and mastery of basic skills of a sport that comes with the development of skills and physical abilities of a general nature. Meanwhile, in the context of physical education, as in the initial classes, the emphasis is on developing motor skills thoroughly.


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