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Sunday, February 13, 2011


in life often face competition
in faced in defeat.

why am I not as smart as him?

why am I not born rich like him?

I've humiliated him, what should I

my brain started working to answer all questions

why I got lost in the competition of life?
ago, there were also questions.

what should be celebrated always win?

why not celebrate the defeat, and enjoy the drawbacks.

then see more clearly the circumstances.
look at the root of all problems encountered.

see why an event that a problem is complex and confusing.

I came to a realization.
awareness of an uncomfortable feeling.
that all real discomfort comes from myself.

because of the desire can make someone a happy and stress.

failed marriage to stress.
failure promoted to stress.
officials failed to become stressed.

attitude did not want to make peace with yourself and
circumstances make life even more miserable.

reason for me to follow the teachings of Java
"Narimo ing General Introduction"

to face
when the situation has reached the point of stress.

when all load is on my mind exceeds
capacity, I surrender to the will of nature.

I put everything ... I accept what
will occur.

all affairs will end when a
people die and become dead.

I see the history of Sukarno, who struggled with idealism,
Gandhi who struggles with love,
and Hitler who fought with weapons.

they all eventually succumb to death.
there is an escape from death but still embrace death will meyapanya and
make him surrender.

therefore, in the face of death, I
was received with open arms.

will die at a young age or old age, I do not give a damn.
I saw the thing to do is run with the best fungsiku
as part of life.

I saw the grass with a casually into the food cows / horses.
I saw fish, goats and even planets planets
aware of the function, respectively.

and all life will undergo the process of death.

then I think what fungsiku live in this world.
fungsiku currently is as a young poet.

writing poems, voiced sorrow
, Voiced pleasure. Knocking doors closed hearts and sharing.

Hopefully my work useful to others.
When all parties are aware of what each function, I'm sure
balance in life will be achieved.

but the stage drama of life is always changing themes and players.
I am proud to participate and become extras


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